

Description: jQuery Mobile Theme

Theming Concepts

The jQuery Mobile theme provides the CSS framework necessary for providing a consistent and touch-friendly look and feel for your widgets across platforms. It is built around the following essential concepts:


A swatch is one of several colour schemes provided by your theme. We use single-letter designations for swatches. The default jQuery Mobile theme provides two swatches. The "a" swatch is a neutral, gray swatch, and the "b" swatch has a darker color scheme designed to contrast with the "a" swatch. You can use "b" to draw special attention to elements in a user interface styled with "a", and vice versa.

The ThemeRoller allows you to create any number of swatches for a custom theme.

Active state

The theme defines an "active" state separately from all the swatches. The intention is to give immediate feedback upon a user action if there should be a brief processing delay. For example, most mobile devices implement a 300ms delay between the time when the user lifts her finger from the touchscreen and the triggering of the "click" event. jQuery Mobile adds the "active" state to a button whenever the device is poised to emit a "click" event so the user receives immediate feedback that the application is committed to processing the "click" in the next 300ms.

Theme inheritance

You do not need to specify a swatch for every widget you create. Despite this, most widgets have a "theme" option set to null by default so you may override the swatch for an individual widget. The default value of null makes it sufficient to specify a swatch on the outermost container for your user interface. The swatch will then be inherited by all the widgets in the container.

You can override the swatch for portions of a container by specifying a theme swatch for one of its subcontainers.
Note: Because of the nature of CSS, you cannot repeatedly alternate between two swatches.

If you use a widget outside a jQuery Mobile page (or you don't use pages at all) and there is no themed ancestor you have to set the theme option or add the applicable theme class in your markup if you want the widget to be styled. For example, if your panel markup is outside the page and it has a listview inside, you have to set a swatch on the panel for the panel to be styled properly. However, once you set the swatch for the panel, the listview will inherit the swatch from the panel.